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A new research article related to Anammox-ELAN process


The Journal of Environmental Management publishes a research article about Anammox-ELAN process applied to treat fish canning wastewater


Researchers from Santiago de Compostela University (Spain), Adolfo Ibáñez University (Chile) and Aqualia Group, apply the Anammox-ELAN process, used in UMBRELLA prototype of the Life+ Methamorphosis project, to treat fish canning wastewater.

The wastewater from the canning industry of analysis, in Galicia, are characterized by their variable salt concentrations. The study wants to know the effect of salt concentrations on the performance of an Anammox-ELAN granular sludge reactor evaluating:
a) A sudden salt shock loads
b) A progressive adaptation of salt concentrations

The results indicate that after a short salt shock the anammox bacteria can quick restore their activity in few days. Besides, in case of take enough adaptation time, the Anammox-ELAN process shows an 80% of nitrogen removal efficiency.

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Full research article