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Aqualia leads two new LIFE projects recently awarded


The two new LIFE ULISES and LIFE INTEXT, projects have been approved by the European Commission to be financed through the LIFE Programme

The two new LIFE ULISES and LIFE INTEXT projects, in which Aqualia acts as a leader, have recently been approved by the European Commission and will receive funding to carry out the proposals contained in both projects.

Both projects have a global budget of 4.8 million euros and are related to innovative and sustainable water treatments. Their objective is to seek to advance in the maximization of the extraction of contained resources (including reclaimed water) in urban wastewater and in minimizing the carbon footprint of technological processes.

The ULISES project, an acronym for "Upgrading wastewater treatment plants by Low cost Innovative technologies for energy SElf-Sufficiency and full recycling", will take place at the El Bobar (Almería) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and aims to reduce the carbon footprint associated with water treatment, increasing the efficiency of a conventional WWTP by integrating Aqualia's technologies, such as PUSH®, oxygen control system, phosphorus recovery or ABAD Bioenergy®, the latter also used in the LIFE Methamorphosis project
The LIFE INTEXT project ("Innovative hybrid INTensive - EXTensive resource recovery from wastewater in small communities") will address the problem of wastewater treatment in small communities (below 2,000 inhabitants) through the proposal of improved, hypocarbonic and nature-based extensive technologies (algae, new generation wetlands, reeds or helophytes). A platform will be created with more than 15 of the mentioned technologies in Talavera de la Reina for comparison.
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